Workshop on Frontiers
in Distributed Information SystemsMarriott Reach Resort, Key West, Florida
April 28 - May 1, 1996Organizing Committee
Josh Alspector - Univ of Colorado
Gene Ball - Microsoft
John Denker - AT&T
Bob Flynn - Polytechnic Univ
Rod Goodman - Caltech
Rich Howard - AT&T
Scott Kirkpatrick - IBM
Larry Jackel - AT&T
Jim Pitkow - Georgia Tech
Eric Sumner - AT&T
On behalf of the organizing committee we invite you to participate in the second annual workshop on new opportunities at the interface between computing and wide area communications. Frontiers in Distributed Information Systems will be held April 28-May 1 at the Marriott Reach Resort, Key West, Florida. Last year, we emphasized the changing character of wide area communications media. This year, the focus will be on the applications, the customer set, and critical usability factors on the Internet and the media that may emerge from it.
Because of the explosion in computing and communication technology, many new products and services are now possible. However, many of the proposed visions for these new products and services are mutually inconsistent and some still have significant technical and social obstacles. Technical elegance will often not be the principal factor in determining success.
Many of us, in our own organizations, prepare "roadmaps" based on our guesses about where technology is going now and in the five to ten year future, using these roadmaps to identify critical areas in which research is needed to stay on track. In the workshop we will identify and critically examine such issues and opportunities in distributed information systems. The goal is to consider them with more vision and greater technical accuracy than we each bring to the discussion individually.
This year, questions that will be discussed include:
- Which digital services will really attract home / business / mobile users worldwide in the next two years? In the next 10 years? How does the Internet as we know it have to change to support these uses and users? How will the world be changed?
- How do people today look at the world differently because of the ubiquity of computing? What new uses will be created by people who have been immersed in computing since childhood?
Program (nearly final version)
7:00 pm EDT Reception on the Roof
7:00 am Breakfast
Internet Today Eric Sumner (Moderator) 8:00 Steve Whittaker Lotus Groupware 8:40 Bob Kraut CMU Home Internet Usage/Minitel 9:20 Break 9:40 Colin Harrision IBM Internet's Impact on the Telecom Industry 10:10 Brewster Kahle WAIS/AOL Role of Service Provider/Archiving 10:20 Attendees Introductions 11:00 Lunch
Internet and the user Gene Ball (Moderator) 4:30 Josh Alspector Univ Colo User Models for video-on-demand 4:50 HY (Henry) Chang IBM Convergence of Web, Distributed Objects and Groupware 5:10 Freedom Baird MIT Media Lab Storytelling on the Web 5:50 Break 6:10 Peter Clemente FIND/SVP Internet Demographics Dan Campbell FIND/SVP Internet Demographics 6:40 Attendees Introductions 7:20 Dinner
7:00 am Breakfast
Interface technologies John Denker (Moderator) 8:00 Tommy Poggio MIT Animation of Images 8:40 Mark Maybury MITRE Content-based Browsing of Video 9:20 Break 9:40 Chris Heegard Cornell Cable Modems 10:20 Attendees Introductions 11:00 Lunch
The Changing Customer Bob Flynn (Moderator) 4:30 Brewster Kahle WAIS/AOL Archiving and a Network Advisor 5:10 Carl Marbach IPCC Life on the Internet (Speciality Publishing) 5:50 Break 6:10 Attendees Introductions 6:50 Dinner
7:30 am Breakfast
Evolution of the Infrastructure Rich Howard (Moderator) 8:00 Larry Jackel AT&T Telephony on the Web -- overview 8:40 Wojtek Furmanski Syracuse High Performance Computing 9:20 Break 9:40 Dan Hammerstrom ASI Video Capabilities and Tools Scott Kirkpatrick IBM Client Multimedia Capabilities 10:40 Eli Noam NYU Internet Economics 11:00 Lunch
Attendees at this workshop were invited because each has interesting ideas to contribute. We have set aside short portions of the program to ask each of the non-speaker attendees to introduce themselves and say what they think is the most important development in this area. (up to 4 minutes each). This year's attendee's included:
Alspector, Josh University of Colorado Dept. of ECE, PO Box 7150 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150 Baird, Freedom Media Lab at MIT 20 Ames Street, Room E15-431 Cambridge, MA 02139 Ball, Gene Microsoft One Microsoft Way, 9S/1 Redmond, WA 98052 Blasgen, Mike IBM - Research Division 11501 Burnet Road, MS/9460 Austin, TX 78758 Chang, Henry IBM T.J. Watson Research Center P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Clemente, Peter FIND/SVP Emerging Technologies Research Group 641 Avenue of the Americas, 4th Floor New York, NY 10011 Cox, Ingemar NEC Research Institute 4 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 Davis, Jim INTERAXX Television Network, Inc. 10800 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33161 76342,2660@COMPUSERVE.COM Denker, John AT&T 4g330 AT&T Research Labs Holmdel, NJ 07733 Dill, Rick IBM Research Route 34 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Flynn, Bob Polytecnic University 36 Saw Mill River Road Hawthorne, NY 11432 Furmanski, Wojtek NPAC, Syracuse University 201 Physics Building Syracuse, NY 13244-1130 Gear, Bill NEC Research Institute 4 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 Goodman, Rod California Institute of Technology MC 136-93 Pasadena, CA 91125 Hammerstrom, Dan Adaptive Solutions, Inc. 1400 Compton Drive Beaverton, OR 97007 Harrison, Colin C. IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Saeumerstrasse 4 Rueschlikon, Switzerland 8803 Heegard, Chris Cornell University 4 Woodland Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Howard, Richard E. Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies 600 Mountain Ave, RM 1E-337 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Jackel, Larry AT&T Research 101 Crawfords Corner Road PO Box 3030, Room 4G308 Holmdel, NJ 07733 Ji, Chuanyi ECSE Dept. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 38, 15th Street Troy, NY 12180 Kahle, Brewster Internet Archive 1056 Noe Street San Francisco, CA 94114 Karidis, John IBM Consumer Div. Mgr. of New Product Exploration Route 100, PO Box 100, MD 3411 Somers, NY 10589 KARIDIS@VNET.IBM.COM Kirkpatrick, Scott IBM Research PO Box 216 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Kraut, Robert Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue 1307 Wean Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Kumar, Rakesh (Teddy) David Sarnoff Research Center CN5300, 201 Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08810 Marbach, Carl B. InterNetwork Publishing Corp. 5455 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, FL 33487 Maybury, Mark MITRE 202 Burlington Road Bedford, MA 01730 Malkhi, Dahlia AT&T Research 600 Mountain Ave, 2A-345 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Miller, Thomas Find/SVP 202 The Commons, Suite 502 Ithaca, NY 14850 Omohundro, Steve NEC Research Institute, Inc. 4 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 Ourmazd, Abbas Institute for Semiconductor Physics Walter-Korsing-Street 2 Frankfurt (Oder), East-Brandenburg Germany 15230 Pitkow, Jim GVU Center 296 Ardmore Cr #6 Atlanta, GA 30309 Poggio, Tomaso MIT 45 Carleton St. Cambridge, MA 02142 Simard, Patrice AT&T Laboratories 101 Crawfords Corner Rd. Holmdel, NJ 07733 Singer, Yoram AT&T Research 600 Mountain Ave, Room 2A-407 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Spaulding, John INTERAXX Television Network, Inc. 10800 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33161 Sumner, Eric E. Jr. AT&T 600 Mountain Avenue, Room 2C-535 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Weigend, Andreas Univ of Colorado at Boulder Computer Science Dept Campus Box 430 Boulder, CO 80309-0430 White, Steve R. IBM Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Whittaker, Steve ATT Research 600 Mountain Ave, Room 2c 404 Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Workshop Site, Accomodations, & Application Information
The workshop will be held at the Marriott Reach Resort, in Key West, FL. Complimentary transportation is available from Key West International Airport (80 flights/day) or one can drive from Miami. Rooms can be booked at the FDIS conference rate of $129/night, single or double occupancy, at 1-800-874-4118. These rates will apply for us Sunday April 28 through Thursday May 2. Those who come before or after the meeting, a very limited number of rooms is available at $10 extra.The conference fee is $300, payable at the meeting by check made out to "Caltech".
To register, fill out the online form ( We will email your confirmation (as long as places are available). For other questions, contact our administrator, or the organizers. Suggestions of additional participants are welcome. Send them to
Conference Administration:
Denise Prull
451 North Sycamore
Monticello, IA 52310
Phone: (319) 465-5585